
Dog Stuff, LLC


Sinclair Social
3 W 10th St Anniston, AL 36201
QR Code

Primal Games of Play+

7 Games that embody Teamwork, Handling, Game Mechanics, Initiative, and Attunement - the Mechanics of Play

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Jan 15 2025


4:00 pm - 7:00 pm



Play+ Social – Anniston

Play Social

A canine game-stop and play experience speak easy at your local watering hole.

What Is It?

Play is learning through small-sided games; the Ecological Approach.

6 Stations, 6 working teams (on leash) doing fun and cool canine interaction games and activities. Teams sign up for 1/2 hour sessions, and we have up to 6 teams at a time. Play Social lasts from 2-4 hours.

Who is it?

Ron Watson of Pawsitive Vybe and creator of Play will be hosting the games and giving the instruction. He will be assisted by local trainer, Jon Roberts of DogStuff, LLC.

When is it?

Ron will be local through January 2025, Jon should be ready to take over at that time. Any day of the week is acceptable.


People say they want an obedient dog. They don’t. They want a cool dog; a bandana dog. Play and Pawsitive Vybe does this, in spades.

Play , and the gamified, fun atmosphere it brings, is terrific for not only bringing the dog crowd in, but making them cooler, more stable, and better behaved.


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